Saibaba: Sai Baba of Shirdi , also known as Shirdi Sai Baba, was spiritual master who was and is regarded by his devotees as a saint, fakir, and sat guru, according to their individual proclivities and beliefs. He was revered by both his Hindu and Muslim devotees. Sai Baba is worshipped by people around the world. He had no love for perishable things and his sole concern was self-realization. He taught a moral code of love, forgiveness, helping others, charity, contentment, inner peace, and devotion to God and guru.
Suggested Placement: Carved out of white marble these sculptures can be entrenched in the Puja room or the living room.
Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e hand sculpted over a specific time frame.
One of the hallmarks of tribal art, this traditional lost-wax casting technique originated over 4,000 years ago and remains in great demand with art lovers across the globe. Famed for its simplicity, enchanting motifs and forceful forms, Dhokra artefacts adorn the houses of true art connoisseurs across the world. The exquisite brasswork creation is characterized by its intricate craftsmanship and attention to minute details. The master craftsman captures intricate details of the tribal god, paying special attention to the sharp horns and exquisite carving and detailing around the crown of the God and the tassels around the horns and the crown.
Note: These statues can be made in numbers over a specific time frame.
In the Hindu pantheon, the Elephant god or Lord Ganesha is one of the most revered and renowned. Through centuries, he has been carved in varied forms, each one depicting stories of his valor, composure and stature. This particular sculpture eulogizes the god in sandstone and portrays lord Ganesha’s state of equilibrium, while silently emphasizing on his inner personality -- as the destroyer of evil (papa in Sanskrit) and bestower of prosperity (Samriddhi in Sanskrit). A testimony of rare creativity, the skilled artistry is evident in the fine alignment of all elements on his body, while ensuring that the aura of his pre-eminence is retained intact.
Suggested Placement: The main entrance or the corner of your living room or in your courtyard.
Note: With respect to size, the statue can be custom made -- hand sculpted over a specific time frame.
Artist : Rabi Sahoo
Saraswati, the Hindu goddess of knowledge and arts, represents the free flow of wisdom and consciousness (Samvid in Sanskrit). She is the mother of the Vedas, and chants to her, called the 'Saraswati Vandana' often begin and end Vedic lessons. She symbolises light, knowledge, enlightenment and truth. In this sculpture in sandstone, she is shown with four hands holding items with symbolic meaning -- a book, a rosary, a water pot and a musical instrument -- the book representing the universal, divine, eternal, and true knowledge, the rosary representing the power of meditation and spirituality, the pot of water indicating powers to purify the right from wrong and the musical instrument, typically a veena, representing all creative arts and science.
We wrote a detailed blog about this sculpture. Do give it a read!
Suggested Placement: The main entrance or the corner of your living room or in your courtyard
Note: With respect to size, the statue can be custom made -- hand sculpted over a specific time frame.
One of the hallmarks of tribal art, this traditional lost-wax casting technique originated over 4,000 years ago and remains in great demand with art lovers across the globe. Famed for its simplicity, enchanting motifs and forceful forms, Dhokra artefacts adorn the houses of true art connoisseurs across the world. The exquisite brasswork creation is characterized by its intricate craftsmanship and attention to minute details. The master craftsman captures every detail, every curve of the lady as she goes through the daily ritual of grinding corn for creating a culinary delight. The sculptor pays attention to the concentration in the woman's face and the minute pieces of corn and creates an exquisite masterpiece out of a daily chore.
Note: These statues can be made in numbers over a specific time frame.
Maa Saraswati is worshipped as the Goddess of Knowledge and Wisdom in the Hindu culture. She is depicted as a serene lady in a white saree holding a veena, book, mala and a pot of water representing arts, vedas, power of meditation, and the ability to distinguish right from wrong respectively. This beautiful blackstone sculpture shows are playing the veenas with two swans beside her. Bring home this masterpiece today!
Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e., hand crafted exclusively for you in a size of your choice to suit your needs.
Dimensions: 72"x48"x28"
Culture: India
Medium: Blackstone
Suggested Placement: In your puja room or garden
Weight: 1000 Kgs
Product Code: acskbssshv-09
One of the hallmarks of tribal art, this traditional lost-wax casting technique originated over 4,000 years ago and remains in great demand with art lovers across the globe. Famed for its simplicity, enchanting motifs and forceful forms, Dhokra artefacts adorn the houses of true art connoisseurs across the world. The exquisite brasswork creation is characterized by its intricate craftsmanship and attention to minute details. The master craftsman captures every detail, every curve of the sisters as they deck themselves in the timeless ritual of the Sola Shringaar. Designed as a tribute to the Goddess Lakshmi, this ritual is an integral part of wedding customs and is perfectly represented by the skilled artisan.
Note: These statues can be made in numbers over a specific time frame.
Ganesha is a much-revered God in Hindu mythology. He is worshipped for his compassion, wisdom, and virtues. As the remover of obstacles, Lord Ganesha has always protected his devotees from evil and hence, he has been immortalized in various forms of art by artisans and artists over the years. This beautifully detailed sandstone sculpture is one such rendition of the Lord and placing it in your house will protect the space from negative energies.
Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e., handcrafted exclusively for you in a size of your choice to suit your needs.
Dimensions: 42"x23"16"
Culture: India
Medium: Pinkstone
Suggested Placement: In your living room
Weight: 135kgs
Product Code: aclmpslgbd-38
With Krishna, Radha is acknowledged as the Supreme Goddess, for it is said that she controls Krishna with her divine love. It is believed that Krishna enchants the world, but Radha "enchants even him. The love of Radha and Krishna is the blissful form of divine regality, an ocean of unlimited divine bliss. Krishna is referred as the Òpoornatam purushottam brahmÓ or the supreme personality of the god. Thus all the forms of god reside within Krishna, where all the forms are absolute and divinely one. This marble carved sculpture in all its magnificence portrays the divine bonding of Radha and Krishna in Gokul.
Suggested Placement: In the living room or prayer (puja) room
Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e. hand crafted exclusively for you in a size of your choice to suit your needs.
Lord Shiva, who is also known as Mahadeva or Great God, is one of the trinity deities of Hinduism. Shiva has many benevolent and fearsome forms. In this sculpture, it is the benevolent aspect that has been captured. He is depicted as an ascetic (Tapasi in Sanskrit) on Mount Kailash as well as a householder with wife Parvati and his two children, Ganesha and Kartikeya, and Nandi, his bull which serves as the mount and as the gatekeeper. The majestic personality of lord Shiva is the most arresting aspect of this sculpture which appropriately captures the essence that is associated with the influence he carries in Hinduism.
Suggested Placement: In the living room or in the prayer (puja) room
Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e. hand crafted exclusively for you in a size of your choice to suit your needs.
Lord Shiva, who is also known as Mahadeva or Great God, is one of the trinity deities of Hinduism. Shiva has many benevolent and fearsome forms. In this sculpture, it is the benevolent aspect that has been captured. He is depicted as an ascetic (Tapasi in Sanskrit) on Mount Kailash as well as a householder with wife Parvati and his two children, Ganesha and Kartikeya, and Nandi, his bull which serves as the mount and as the gatekeeper. The majestic personality of lord Shiva is the most arresting aspect of this sculpture which appropriately captures the essence that is associated with the influence he carries in Hinduism.
Suggested Placement: The main entrance or the corner of your living room or in your courtyard
Note: With respect to size, the statue can be custom made -- hand sculpted over a specific time frame.
One of the hallmarks of tribal art, this traditional lost-wax casting technique originated over 4,000 years ago and remains in great demand with art lovers across the globe. Famed for its simplicity, enchanting motifs and forceful forms, Dhokra artefacts adorn the houses of true art connoisseurs across the world. The exquisite brasswork creation is characterized by its intricate craftsmanship and attention to minute details. The master craftsman captures every detail, every curve of the lady as she goes through the daily ritual of grinding spices for creating a culinary delight. The sculptor pays attention to the concentration in the woman's face and the minute pieces of culinary ingredients and creates an exquisite masterpiece out of a daily chore.
Note: These statues can be made in numbers over a specific time frame.
The theory of infiniteness is intriguing. As per Hindu scriptures the universe is created and destroyed in a cyclic order and so is the life form. This sculpture in its grandeur depicts the origin of life, the uninhibited growth and the movement, the influence of the nature on life forms, the sufferings and the end leading to recreation again.
Sugested Placement : This sculpture in all its glory can be entrenched in the living room
Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e. hand crafted exclusively for you either in
stone or in wood in a size of your choice to suit your needs.
Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth, fortune, and prosperity (both material and spiritual). She is the wife and active energy of Lord Vishnu.Her four hands represent the four goals of human life considered important to the Hindu way of life: dharma,karma,artha, and moksha. According to another legend, she emerges during the creation of universe, floating over the water on the expanded petals of a lotus flower. The festivals of Diwali and Sharad Purnima (Kojagiri Purnima) are celebrated in her honor. Carved out of white marble these sculptures can be entrenched in the Puja room or the living room.
Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e. hand sculpted over a specific time frame.
Goddess Saraswathi or Bharathi is the goddess for knowledge and wisdom. She is the embodiment of all knowledge like arts, sciences and other skills. Goddess Saraswathi is the consort of Lord Brahma, the creator of the universe. The name Saraswati came from the words "saras" which means flow and "wati" which means a woman, therefore Saraswati is the symbol of knowledge; the flow is like a river and knowledge is supremely alluring, like a beautiful woman. Goddess Saraswati is considered to be the "mother of the Vedas".
Suggested Placement: Carved out of white marble using centuries old Rajasthani artisanship, this sculpture can be entrenched in the Puja room or the living room.
Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e hand sculpted over a specific time frame.
Traditional Indian artisans have frequently been inspired by tales of valor and bravery of heroic figures. These tales and stories have gone on to inspire great paintings and especially sculptures which highlight the heroic nature of these brave figures
Made out of blackstone, this exquisite masterpiece is a testament to a rare and closely guarded craft. The master sculptor captures the action and strength of the hero as he is involved in a battle to the death with a wild boar. The tension of the moment and the do-or-die spirit of the contest is perfectly represented and makes a beautiful addition to your living room or courtyard decor.
Note: This statue can also be made from wood and can be customized as per your unique requirements.
Traditional Indian artisans have frequently been inspired by tales of valor and bravery of heroic figures. These tales and stories have gone on to inspire great paintings and especially sculptures which highlight the heroic nature of these brave figures
Made out of wood, this exquisite masterpiece is a testament to a rare and closely guarded craft. The master sculptor captures the action and strength of the hero as he is involved in a battle to the death with a wild boar. The tension of the moment and the do-or-die spirit of the contest is perfectly represented and makes a beautiful addition to your living room or courtyard decor.
Note: This statue can also be made from wood and can be customized as per your unique requirements.
Ganesha, is one of the most revered deities in sanatana dharma.As vigneswara, he is the ruler and the remover of all obstacles. Hence Lord Ganesha is prayed before starting any new journey in life. This jade stone sculpture in its grandeur depicts the lord in a sitting position with his trunk turned towards left. The trunk turning left symbolizes moon and the cool power of ida nadi in our psychic body.This also signifies that lord blesses the devotees with the access to the fruit of their work in the material world.The laddu (sweet ball) indicates all material comfort.
Suggested Placement: In the puja (worship) room or in the living room.
Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e hand sculpted over a specific time frame.
The lion, a symbol of valor and strength, was a integral signature of the Mauryan Empire (4th to 2nd century BCE), which was the first empire to rule over most of India. The period was also significant because it represented a transition in Indian art from use of wood to stone. The detailed carving of animal capitals have survived even today; the finest being the Lion Capital of Ashoka from Sarnath that is now the National Emblem of India. This sculpture derives inspiration from the art that thrived during the era and has survived even today. The single lion capital, with its typical elaborate carving, lends a new definition to majesticity.
Suggested Placement: The courtyard or the entrance.
Note: With respect to size, the statue can be custom made -- hand sculpted over a specific time frame.
Artist : Rabi Sahoo
An ideal artifact for any home, this sculpture in wood clearly depicts the serenity on Buddha?s face. His composed eyes, the peaceful smile on his lips stand out lending an air of tranquility and feel of positivity. This sculpture captures the lord in Vitarka mudra. The Vitarka mudra symbolizes teaching and discussion. It shows the transmission of knowledge and insight, gained after reaching enlightenment. Buddha spent much of his time explaining both his disciples and the people about the Dhamma, the Buddhist teachings.
Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e. hand crafted exclusively for you in a size of your choice to suit your needs.
Traditional Indian artisans have frequently been inspired by tales of valor and bravery of heroic figures. These tales and stories have gone on to inspire great paintings and especially sculptures which highlight the heroic nature of these brave figures
Made out of blackstone, this exquisite masterpiece is a testament to a rare and closely guarded craft. The master sculptor captures the action and strength of the hero as he is involved in a battle to the death with a snarling and vicious lion. The tension of the moment and the do-or-die spirit of the contest is perfectly represented and makes a beautiful addition to your living room or courtyard decor.
Note: This statue can also be made from wood and can be customized as per your unique requirements.
Traditional Indian artisans have frequently been inspired by tales of valor and bravery of heroic figures. These tales and stories have gone on to inspire great paintings and especially sculptures which highlight the heroic nature of these brave figures
Made out of wood, this exquisite masterpiece is a testament to a rare and closely guarded craft. The master sculptor captures the action and strength of the hero as he is involved in a battle to the death with a snarling and vicious lion. The tension of the moment and the do-or-die spirit of the contest is perfectly represented and makes a beautiful addition to your living room or courtyard decor.
Note: This statue can also be made from stone and can be customized as per your unique requirements.
Being aware of everything while being in a Nidra (sleeping) posture is how Narayana is shown. Narayana is the resting form of energy, the active form of Lord Narayana is called Vishnu. This marble sculpture depicts the lord with his consort goddess Laxmi resting on Sesha Naga. Shesh“ in Sanskrit and many Indian languages means “that which remains" and “ Naga" means snake, and snake symbolises energy in Hinduism. So when these two words shesha +naga are put together, it means, that which remains, ultimately, is ENERGY or Atman.
Suggested Placement: In the puja (worship) room or in the living room
Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e. hand sculpted over a specific time frame.
The purity of a physical and emotional bonding between a man and a woman has always enticed the imagination of writers. An aura of mystic proportion adds to curiosity. This sculpture imbibes that mystic attraction. For the un-initiated, this tells the story of Arjuna, the Pandav prince with his consort Chitrangada. Arjuna, it is believed had travelled far and wide to Manipur during his personal exile and this was where he fell in love with Chitrangada, the daughter of the King of Manipur and married her. But Chitrangada never accompanied Arjuna to Hastinapur respecting the conditions that were set by her father with Arjuna.
Sugested Placement: This sculpture in all its glory can be entrenched in the living room or in the corridor or the main entrance.
Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e. hand crafted exclusively for you in a size of your choice either in stone or wood to suit your needs.
The purity of a physical and emotional bonding between a man and a woman has always enticed the imagination of writers. An aura of mystic proportion adds to curiosity. This sculpture imbibes that mystic attraction. For the un-initiated, this tells the story of Arjuna, the Pandav prince with his consort Chitrangada. Arjuna, it is believed had travelled far and wide to Manipur during his personal exile and this was where he fell in love with Chitrangada, the daughter of the King of Manipur and married her. But Chitrangada never accompanied Arjuna to Hastinapur respecting the conditions that were set by her father with Arjuna.
Sugested Placement: This sculpture in all its glory can be entrenched in the living room or in the corridor or the main entrance.
Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e. hand crafted exclusively for you in a size of your choice either in stone or wood to suit your needs.