The snake with Ganesha represents the divine energy that infuses all living forms.At times, the snake is shown around Ganesha’s neck. Here, it represents kundalini, the coil of psychic energy that lies at the base of our spine. Carved out of chalk stone with all its fine details, this 10’’ tall sclupture is testimony to a rare artisanship of the distant past that has been kept alive by a group of extremley skilled artisans.Ganesha or the elephant god is worshiped world over as the destroyer of evil and bestower of prosperity.
Suggested Placement:This sculpture in all its glory can be entrenched at the main entrance or the corner of your living room or in your courtyard.
Note: In respect to size, all statues can be custom made i.e. hand sculpted over a specific time frame.
Panchamukhi (five faced) Ganesha, a highly revered god among Hindus in India. It shows the lord having five faces which is an embodiment of all potencies - the flesh body made of matter, the energy body, the mental body, the body of the upper consciousness, and the body of cosmic bliss (Ananda in Sanskrit). This form brings auspicious vibrations of spirituality, harmony and bliss.
Making of the Painting - World famous for its Pattachitra painters, who make paintings over a piece of cloth known as Patta or a dried palm leaf, Raghurajpur is a heritage crafts village in Puri district, Odisha, India. Depicting the art form which dates back to 5 BC.
Note: This painting in all its grandeur can be customized over a specific time frame.
This pattachitra or painting on canvas using natural colors depict Ganesha the destroyer of obstacles and Lakshmi , the goddess of wealth, fortune, and prosperity (both material and spiritual) together. Most hindus consider it auspicious to worship goddess Lakshmi and lord Ganesha on the day of Diwali as it is considered that Goddess Lakshmi visits every house and blesses all with wealth.
Note: These paintings in their true form can be customized as well.
Ganesha, is one of the most revered deities in sanatana dharma. He is the ruler and the remover of all obstacles and also is the bestower of knowledge (Buddhipriya in Sanskrit). Hence Lord Ganesha is prayed before starting any new journey in life. This sculpture in its grandeur depicts the lord in a sitting position with his trunk turned towards left. The trunk turning left symbolizes moon and the cool power of ida nadi in our psychic body. This also signifies that lord blesses the devotees with the access to the fruit of their work in the material world. The laddu (sweet ball) indicates all material comfort.
Click here to learn why Lord Ganesha is worshipped as Buddhipriya.
Suggested Placement: In the prayer (puja) or in the living room
Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e. hand crafted exclusively for you in a size of your choice to suit your needs.
Meditation is nothing but the art of centering the mind. In today's times, it is definitely an art, seeing as so many distractions surround us each step of the way. This is why ancient ascetics recommended that we focus on one object, be it the 'aum' sound, our breath, a source of light or even an idol. As the remover of obstacles, Lord Ganesha is an important motif in meditation. Chanting his name offers a sense of peace, while also allowing us to maintain our meditative practice. As the Lord of meditation, he reigns supreme in this Arecanut Leaf painting. These delicate paintings are a testament to the artist's skill and patience in creating a masterpiece on seemingly everyday objects.
Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e., hand crafted exclusively for you in a size of your choice to suit your needs.
Dimension: 12"x08".
Culture: India.
Medium: Arecanut Leaf.
Suggested Placement: In your living room or meditation hall.
Weight: 400gms.
Product Code: acapallgom-90.
Lord Ganesha, widely revered among Hindus as the eliminator of obstacles, patron of arts, the lord of intellect and the ever eternal lord (Alampata in Sanskrit) , artisans have gulped the magic portion of creativity, lending a unique charm to the lord?s personality. The intricate brass work, with very element mentioned in the scriptures that describe the god, is an excellent example of the mastery that the craftsmen had acquired through ages and passed on to future generations.
Suggested Placement: In the living room or prayer (puja) room
Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e. hand crafted exclusively for you in a size of your choice to suit your needs.
Ganesha is probably the only god who enjoys a popularity that goes beyond boundaries, having emerged as a distinct deity in the 4th and 5th centuries CE. And ever since, his adoration has reached epic status in India and his portrayal has found many dimensions. In this sandstone sculpture, a form since the 13th century, he can be seen in a solemn posture which gets its element of awe with the intricate carving that quite clearly depicts the glory surrounding him. The aura is serenely divine and it unconsciously gives a feel of harmonious existence and wisdom (Viveka in Sanskrit).
Suggested Placement: The main entrance or the corner of your living room or in your courtyard
Note: With respect to size, the statue can be custom made -- hand sculpted over a specific time frame.
In Hindu tradition, it is often believed that anything that can be perceived by the senses can be controlled. With our five senses, we perceive the world around us. But celestial beings, in all the infinite senses, are able to perceive so much more. For instance, we see seven colours, but it is now known that light waves exist beyond the spectrum of what we can see with our eyes. Likewise, a God with his face turned towards the universe (Viswamukha) can see everything, and therefore has mastery over everything- every being and every atom in the universe. In this splendid arecanut creation, the artian gives form to this very idea.
Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e., hand crafted exclusively for you in a size of your choice to suit your needs.
Dimension: 12"x08".
Culture: India.
Medium: Arecanut Leaf.
Suggested Placement: In your living room or meditation hall.
Weight: 400gms.
Product Code: acapallgfh-91.
Ganesha, as Vinayaka, is the ruler and the bestower of eternal bliss. Hence it is believed that every new journey in life that is initiated after offering prayers to the lord culminates with riches of favorable results. The snake tied around Ganesha’s waist represents the divine energy that infuses all living forms. Here, it represents kundalini, the coil of psychic energy that lies at the base of our spine. Carved of sand stone in its grandeur, depicts the lord in a sedentary position with his trunk turning to left. The trunk on the right side are called as Siddhi Vinyaka because if worshipped correctly then one is blessed with quick results or siddhis.
Suggested Placement: This sculpture in all its glory can be entrenched at the main entrance or the courtyard.
Note: This can also be custom made i.e hand sculpted over a specific time frame.
Carved out of chalkstone with all its fine details, this sculpture is testimony to a rare artisanship of the distant past that has been kept alive by a group of extremely skilled artisans.Ganesha or the elephant god is worshiped world over as the destroyer of evil and bestower of prosperity and knowledge. The Ganesha statue with trunk on the right side are called as siddhi vinyaka because if worshiped correctly then one is blessed with quick results or siddhis.
Suggested Placement:This sculpture in all its glory can be entrenched in the puja(worship) room or the in the living room showcase.
Note: In respect to size, all statues can be custom made i.e. hand sculpted over a specific time frame.
Ganesha,is one of the most revered deities in sanatana dharma.As vigneswara, he is the ruler and the remover of all obstacles. Hence Lord Ganesha is prayed before starting any new journey in life. This chalk stone sculpture in its grandeur depicts the lord in a reclined position with his trunk turned towards left. The trunk turning left symbolizes moon and the cool power of ida nadi in our psychic body.This also signifies that lord blesses the devotees with the access to the fruit of their work in the material world.
Suggested Placement: In the puja (worship) room or in the living room showcase
Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e hand sculpted over a specific time frame.
Dimension: 5''x7''
Weight in Kgs : 0.65
Product Code : acshpsgsrp-82
Ganesha, is one of the most revered deities in sanatana dharma.As vigneswara, he is the ruler and the remover of all obstacles. Hence Lord Ganesha is prayed before starting any new journey in life. This jade stone sculpture in its grandeur depicts the lord in a sitting position with his trunk turned towards left. The trunk turning left symbolizes moon and the cool power of ida nadi in our psychic body.This also signifies that lord blesses the devotees with the access to the fruit of their work in the material world.The laddu (sweet ball) indicates all material comfort.
Suggested Placement: In the puja (worship) room or in the living room.
Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e hand sculpted over a specific time frame.
Ganesha or the elephant god is worshiped world over as the destroyer of evil and provider of prosperity and knowledge. The Ganesha statue with trunk on the right side are called as Siddhi Vinyaka because if worshipped correctly then one is blessed with quick results or siddhis. Ganesha, with the trunk turning left symbolizes moon and the cool power of ida nadi in our psychic body. This also signifies that lord blesses the devotees with the access to the fruit of their work in the material world.
Pattachitra is a traditional painting of Odisha.These paintings are based on Hindu Mythology and specially inspired by Jagannath and Vaishnava sect.All colours used in the Paintings are natural and paintings are made fully old traditional way by Chitrakaras that is Oriya Painter. Pattachitra style of painting is one of the oldest and most popular art forms of Odisha. The name Pattachitra has evolved from the Sanskrit words patta, meaning canvas, and chitra, meaning picture. Pattachitra is thus a painting done on canvas, and is manifested by rich colourful application, creative motifs and designs, and portrayal of simple themes, mostly mythological in depiction.
Note:These paintings in their true form can be customized as well.
Ganesha, is one of the most revered deities in sanatana dharma. As Vignaharta, he is the ruler and the remover of all obstacles. Hence Lord Ganesha is prayed before starting any new journey in life. This brass sculpture in its grandeur depicts the lord in a sitting position with his trunk turned towards left. The trunk turning left symbolizes moon and the cool power of ida nadi in our psychic body. This also signifies that lord blesses the devotees with the access to the fruit of their work in the material world. The laddu (sweet ball) indicates all material comfort.
Suggested Placement: In the living room or in the prayer (puja) room
Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e. hand crafted exclusively for you in a size of your choice to suit your needs.
Ganesha, is one of the most revered deities in sanatana dharma. As Vignahara, he is the ruler and the remover of all obstacles. Hence Lord Ganesha is prayed before starting any new journey in life. This black stone sculpture in its grandeur depicts the lord in a standing position with his trunk turned towards left. The trunk turning left symbolizes moon and the cool power of ida nadi in our psychic body.This also signifies that lord blesses the devotees with the access to the fruit of their work in the material world.The laddu (sweet ball) indicates all material comfort.
Suggested Placement: In the puja (worship) room or in the living room.
Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e hand sculpted over a specific time frame.
Carved out of greenstone with all its fine details, this sclupture is testimony to a rare artisanship of the distant past that has been kept alive by a group of extremley skilled artisans.Ganesha or the elephant god is worshiped world over as the destroyer of evil and bestower of prosperity and knowledge. The Ganesha staue with trunk on the right side are called as Siddhi Vinyaka because if worshipped correctly then one is blessed with quick results or siddhis.
Pattachitra painters, who make paintings over a piece of cloth known as Patta or a dried palm leaf, specialize in this unique art-form since generations. Raghurajpur a heritage crafts village in Puri district, Odisha is famous for this centuries old craft-works which at least date back to 5 BC. A mixture of chalk and gum is used in unique proportion to create this beautiful piece.
Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e. hand painted over a specific time frame in a specific size.
Different poses of Lord Ganesha hold different meanings and significances. A standing structure of the Lord represents the correct posture, poise, and attitude. Idols shaped liked this are called Abhanga Murti meaning a body with no bend. Such idols are symbolic to the Lord standing tall and rigid in order to protect his devotees. This Blackstone sculpture depicts the Lord in all his grandeur and divinity alongside his vahana- the mouse. Make this sculpture a part of your divine collection today.
Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e., hand crafted exclusively for you in a size of your choice to suit your needs.
Dimensions: 32"x18"x10".
Culture: India.
Medium: Blackstone.
Suggested Placement: In your pooja room.
Weight: 40Kgs.
Product Code: acskbslgsp-10.
Lord Ganesha, as in this Arecanut Leaf portrait, is often sculpted and carved by many artisans for he is known as the god of auspiciousness. The tale has it that when Lord Vishnu's wedding was going on, Narada Muni on finding Ganesha alone approached him and told him that he is not invited as he ate a lot. Angered by this, Lord Ganesha ordered his pet mouse to dig a hole in the way of the procession. As planned, the wheels of chariots got stuck in that hole and it became impossible to get them out. The gods then sought help from a man who was passing by. He prayed to Lord Ganesha and was able to get the wheels out with ease. The gods realised their mistake and started worshipping Lord Ganesha as the remover of obstacles.
Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e., hand crafted exclusively for you in a size of your choice to suit your needs.
Dimension: 12"x08".
Culture: India.
Medium: Arecanut Leaf.
Suggested Placement: In your living room or meditation hall.
Weight: 400gms.
Product Code: acapallghg-89.
Once upon a time the god of wealth, Kuber grew so proud of his riches that he went to Kailash to invite Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati for a feast at his place. He wanted to show his wealth off. Lord Shiva, being busy, asked him to take Ganesh along with him as he was fond of food anyway. Kuber, assuming that a kid would not be able to eat much agreed to take Ganesh. Determined to teach Kuber a lesson, Lord Ganesh ended up eating the last morsel in Kuber's house and asked for more saying he was still hungry. He even threatened to eat Kuber if his hunger was not satisfied. Terrified, Kuber ran to Kailash seeking for Lord Shiva and Parvati's help. Parvati simply gave a tulsi-leaf to Kuber asking him to offer that to Ganesh. His hunger was satisfied and Kuber learnt his lesson. The Lord of wisdom sure does know how to teach a lesson!
Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e., hand crafted exclusively for you in a size of your choice to suit your needs.
Dimension: 12"x08".
Culture: India.
Medium: Arecanut Leaf.
Suggested Placement: In your living room or meditation hall.
Weight: 400gms.
Product Code: acapallgot-87.
Since aeons, the tribal folks have been greatly inspired by their natural surroundings. Every creative expression, be it the tribal art, the accessories or the home-décor articles, all find synergy with the charm and elegance of the nature and are essential part of the tribal heritage. Bamboo Artifacts are one of such representations.
Over a period of time the art form has crossed over and have seen larger acceptance in surrounding villages and towns. The entire process of creating bamboo craft involves intricate methodology that the craftsmen take years to master.
Owning a product is like reconnecting to a world that mostly gets lost in the clamor of modern interpretations.
Note: Most of the products can be customized in specific numbers over a period of time.
Product Code : acumbavagn-01
In Indian mythology, Ganesha is the formless divinity - encapsulated in a magnificent form, for the benefit of the devotee. He is worshipped, or at least remembered, in the beginning of any auspicious performance for blessings and auspiciousness. He is probably the only god who enjoys a popularity that goes beyond boundaries, having emerged as a distinct deity. His adoration has reached epic status in India and his portrayal has found many dimensions. In this wood sculpture, he can be seen in a solemn posture which gets its element of awe with the intricate carving that quite clearly depicts the glory surrounding him. The aura is serenely divine and it unconsciously gives a feel of harmonious existence and wisdom.
Note: In all its detail this can be custom made i.e. hand crafted exclusively for you in a size of your choice to suit your needs.
Hindus across the world worship Lord Ganesha dearly, so much so that a ten day long festival is celebrated in India in the name of the Lord. Ganesh Chaturthi starts on the fourth day of Bhadrapada. Idols of Lord Ganesh are taken in a vibrant procession and installed in homes, offices and pandals. He is worshipped all ten days and various sweets and other savouries are offered to him. The festival ends with immersing the idol in lakes and rivers symbolising him going back to his mother. Lord Ganesha is worshipped with such devotion as he is known as the lord who grants wishes and boons. It is said that taking his name before starting anything auspicious will drive the obstacles in the path away. His artifacts are hence placed in every Hindu household. This portrait of Lord Ganesh carved on an Arecanut Leaf serves that purpose very well.
Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e., hand crafted exclusively for you in a size of your choice to suit your needs.
Dimension: 12"x08".
Culture: India.
Medium: Arecanut Leaf.
Suggested Placement: On your main door or living room.
Weight: 400gms.
Product Code: acapallgct-92.
Ganesha, the patron saint of arts and divine intellect, has always inspired traditional artists. Throughout history, they have used his depictions in mythologies and traditional writings to create beautiful forms of art to pay tribute to their divine muse. Adding to the list of exquisite depictions of Ganesha, this intricately carved wooden sculpture is a classic testimony to the artisan’s eye for detail, evident through the intricate carvings, delicate carvings and adroitly carved expressions on the face, while the beautiful base carvings tell the story of Ganesha’s role as the remover of obstacles.This sculpture is believed to ward off evil and is an ideal buy for a tryst with the divine. In all its grandeur, this exquisite sculpture can be custom made of wood as per your needs and would make a perfect addition to your courtyard or living room.
Suggested Placement: In the living room or in the bed room
Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made e.g. handcrafted exclusively for you in a size of your choice to suit your needs
Ganesha, is one of the most revered deities in sanatana dharma. As Varaganapati, he is the ruler and the remover of all obstacles and bestower of boons. Hence Lord Ganesha is prayed before starting any new journey in life. This black stone sculpture in its grandeur depicts the lord in a sitting position with his trunk turned towards left. The trunk turning left symbolizes moon and the cool power of ida nadi in our psychic body. This also signifies that lord blesses the devotees with the access to the fruit of their work in the material world. The laddu (sweet ball) indicates all material comfort.
Suggested Placement: In the prayer (puja) room or in the living room
Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e. hand crafted exclusively for you either in
stone or in wood in a size of your choice to suit your needs.
Ganesha, is one of the most revered deities in sanatana dharma. As Varaganapati, he is the ruler and the remover of all obstacles and bestower of boons. Hence Lord Ganesha is prayed before starting any new journey in life. This wood sculpture in its grandeur depicts the lord in a dancing position with his trunk turning right. The Ganesha staue with trunk on the right side are called as Siddhi Vinyaka because if worshipped correctly then one is blessed with quick results or siddhis. The laddu (sweet ball) indicates all material comfort. The dancing form of Ganesha is believed to be playful antics of the Lord to entertain his parents Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati.
Note: In all its detail this can be custom made i.e. hand crafted exclusively for you in a size of your choice to suit your needs.
Ganesha, is one of the most revered deities in sanatana dharma. With the head of an elephant and a curved trunk, he is called as Vakratunda. Also known as Vigneswara, he is the ruler and the remover of all obstacles and the one bestows of knowledge. Hence Lord Ganesha is prayed before starting any new journey in life. This wood sculpture in its grandeur depicts the lord in a reclined position with his trunk turned towards left. The trunk turning left symbolizes moon and the cool power of ida nadi in our psychic body. This also signifies that lord blesses the devotees with the access to the fruit of their work in the material world. The laddu (sweet ball) indicates all material comfort.
Note: In all its detail this can be custom made i.e. hand crafted exclusively for you in a size of your choice to suit your needs.
It is a common sight to find Ganesh idols, artifacts, sculptures and paintings in the Hindu households across the world as Lord Ganesha is greatly respected. This Arecanut Leaf portrait is one amongst the many depictions of the lord. Carved in profile view and highlighed in gold, it captures the grandeur of the lord with all his jewellery and wisdom radiating through his face. The red background contrats the golden structure well giving it an artistic appeal. This portrait can be an ideal gifting choice and also looks great placed in the front hall above a seating arrangement.
Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e., hand crafted exclusively for you in a size of your choice to suit your needs.
Dimension: 12"x08".
Culture: India.
Medium: Arecanut Leaf.
Suggested Placement: In your living room or meditation hall.
Weight: 400gms.
Product Code: acapallgrb-84.
Lord Ganesha, a popular god in India and few other parts of the world, has appeared in sculptures along with a mouse since the 7th century, always placed close to his feet. Among the many stories related to using mouse as his vehicle (Vahana in Sanskrit), one is that the lord is able to go into any nook and cranny and do his ‘job’ as the Destroyer of Obstacles. Capturing this quality of all-pervasiveness of Ganesha, this sculpture chalkstone gets an added touch of grace with its unique colour contrasts.
Suggested Placement: The main entrance or the corner of your living room or in your courtyard
Note: With respect to size, the statue can be custom made -- hand sculpted over a specific time frame.
It is said that Goddess Parvati herself brought Lord Ganesha into being. She shaped him out of some turmeric powder and breathed life into him. She then asked him to guard the doors for her while she went for a bath. Meanwhile, Lord Shiva returned home and was furious when he was stopped by a little boy he didn't know. Unaware of Parvati's creation, he chopped off the head of the boy. When he realized his mistake, he managed to fix an elephant's head to the boy and brought him back to life and that is how Lord Ganesha came into being. Bring in this blackstone sculpture of goddess Uma's son and spread the vibes of peace and wisdom. Keep it as a decorative piece or place it in your pooja room, this one is sure to attract attention.
Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e., handcrafted exclusively for you in a size of your choice to suit your needs.
Dimensions: 36"x20"x10".
Culture: India.
Medium: Blackstone.
Suggested Placement: In your pooja room or main hall.
Weight: 75 Kgs.
Product Code: actabslglt-22.
Lord Shiva, who is also known as Mahadeva or Great God, is one of the trinity deities of Hinduism. Shiva has many benevolent and fearsome forms. In this sculpture, it is the benevolent aspect that has been captured. He is depicted as an ascetic (Tapasi in Sanskrit) on Mount Kailash as well as a householder with wife Parvati and his two children, Ganesha and Kartikeya, and Nandi, his bull which serves as the mount and as the gatekeeper. The majestic personality of lord Shiva is the most arresting aspect of this sculpture which appropriately captures the essence that is associated with the influence he carries in Hinduism.
Suggested Placement: The main entrance or the corner of your living room or in your courtyard
Note: With respect to size, the statue can be custom made -- hand sculpted over a specific time frame.
Lord Shiva, who is also known as Mahadeva or Great God, is one of the trinity deities of Hinduism. Shiva has many benevolent and fearsome forms. In this sculpture, it is the benevolent aspect that has been captured. He is depicted as an ascetic (Tapasi in Sanskrit) on Mount Kailash as well as a householder with wife Parvati and his two children, Ganesha and Kartikeya, and Nandi, his bull which serves as the mount and as the gatekeeper. The majestic personality of lord Shiva is the most arresting aspect of this sculpture which appropriately captures the essence that is associated with the influence he carries in Hinduism.
Suggested Placement: In the living room or in the prayer (puja) room
Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e. hand crafted exclusively for you in a size of your choice to suit your needs.
It is said that Lord Ganesha has a craving for sweets. One day, he ended up eating a lot of sweets which made it difficult for him walk or even move. He however, gathered the remaining sweets and walked home slowly. It was night and he accidentally stumbled across a rock and fell down. The moon or Chandra Deva, who considered himself very handsome, on seeing the pot-bellied Lord stumble to the ground, laughed hard. Embarrassed and angered, Lord Ganesha cursed the moon that henceforth he will turn black and no one will be able to see him. Realising his mistake, he quickly went to the lord to seek forgivness. The Lord reduced his curse saying he will keep waxing and waning every 15 days.
Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e., hand crafted exclusively for you in a size of your choice to suit your needs.
Dimension: 12"x08".
Culture: India.
Medium: Arecanut Leaf.
Suggested Placement: In your living room or meditation hall.
Weight: 400gms.
Product Code: acapallgtt-83.
Ganesha, is one of the most revered deities in sanatana dharma. As Vignaharta, he is the ruler and the remover of all obstacles. Hence Lord Ganesha is prayed before starting any new journey in life. This brass sculpture in its grandeur depicts the lord in a sitting position with his trunk turned towards left. The trunk turning left symbolizes moon and the cool power of ida nadi in our psychic body. This also signifies that lord blesses the devotees with the access to the fruit of their work in the material world. The laddu (sweet ball) indicates all material comfort.
Suggested Placement: In the living room or in the prayer (puja) room
Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e. hand crafted exclusively for you in a size of your choice to suit your needs.
Carved out of chalkstone with all its fine details, sculpture is testimony to a rare artisanship of the distant past that has been kept alive by a group of extremely skilled artisans. Ganesha or the elephant god is worshipped world over as the destroyer of evil and bestower of prosperity and knowledge. The Ganesha statue with trunk on the right side are called as siddhi vinyaka because if worshipped correctly then one is blessed with quick results or siddhis.
Suggested Placement: This sculpture in all its glory can be entrenched in the Puja room.
Note: In respect to size, this statue can be custom made i.e. hand sculpted over a specific time frame.
The Ganesha staue with trunk on the right side are called as Siddhi Vinyaka because if worshipped correctly then one is blessed with quick results or siddhis. The snake tied around Ganesha’s hand represents the divine energy that infuses all living forms. At times, the snake is shown around Ganesha’s neck. Then, it represents kundalini, the coil of psychic energy that lies at the base of our spine. Creating intricate and ornately carved stone marvels inspired by the divine, have been a practice mastered by the artisans of Odisha since centuries. Carved out of redstone with all its fine details, this sclupture is a testimony to a rare artisanship of the distant past that has been kept alive by a group of extremley skilled artisans.Ganesha or the elephant god is worshiped world over as the destroyer of evil and bestower of prosperity and knowledge.
Sugested Placement : This sculpture in all its glory can be entrenched in the puja room or in the living room.
Note : In respect to size, this ganesha statue can be custom made i.e. hand sculpted over a specific time frame.
Carved out of greenstone with all its fine details, this sclupture is testimony to a rare artisanship of the distant past that has been kept alive by a group of extremley skilled artisans.Ganesha or the elephant god is worshiped world over as the destroyer of evil and bestower of prosperity and knowledge. The Ganesha staue with trunk on the right side are called as Siddhi Vinyaka because if worshipped correctly then one is blessed with quick results or siddhis.
Sugested Placement:This sculpture in all its glory can be entrenched in the Puja room or in the living room
Note: In respect to size, all statues can be custom made i.e. hand sculpted over a specific time frame.
Artist : Rabi Sahoo
Created with intricate work of joining small pieces of chipped wood, this portrait is testimony to a rare artisan ship of the distant past that has been kept alive by a group of extremely skilled artisans. Ganesha or the elephant god is worshipped world over as the destroyer of evil and bestower of prosperity and knowledge. The Ganesha statue with trunk on the right side are called as siddhi vinyaka because if worshipped correctly then one is blessed with quick results or siddhis.
As an art-form , the wood carved items are in existence since many centuries at Channapatna, Karnataka.It has passed on from one generations of highly skilled artisans to another and has spread far and wide.
Suggested Placement: In the puja room or the living room
Note: In respect to size, this portrait can be custom made i.e. hand sculpted over a specific time frame.
Carved out of chalkstone with all its fine details, sclupture is testimony to a rare artisanship of the distant past that has been kept alive by a group of extremley skilled artisans.Ganesha or the elephant god is worshiped world over as the destroyer of evil and bestower of prosperity and knowledge. The Ganesha staue with trunk on the right side are called as siddhi vinyaka because if worshipped correctly then one is blessed with quick results or siddhis.
Suggested Placement: This sculpture in all its glory can be entrenched in the puja room or in the showcase of the living room.
Note: In respect to size, all statues can be custom made i.e. hand sculpted over a specific time frame.
As Shuban or the Lord who represents all things auspicious, he is worshipped, or at least remembered, in the beginning of any auspicious performance for blessings and auspiciousness. This wood carved sculpture in its grandeur depicts the lord in a sedentary position with his trunk turning to left. The trunk turning left symbolizes moon and the cool power of ida nadi in our psychic body.This also signifies that the lord blesses the devotees with the access to the fruit of their work in the material world.
As an art-form , the wood carved sculptures are in existence since many centuries at Channapatna, Karnataka.It has passed on from one generations of highly skilled artisans to another and has spread far and wide.
Suggested Placement: The main entrance or the corner of your living room
Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e. hand sculpted over a specific time frame.
As Shuban or the Lord who represents all things auspicious, he is worshipped, or at least remembered, in the beginning of any auspicious performance for blessings and auspiciousness. This wood carved sculpture in its grandeur depicts the lord in a sedentary position with his trunk turning to left. The trunk turning left symbolizes moon and the cool power of ida nadi in our psychic body. This also signifies that the lord blesses the devotees with the access to the fruit of their work in the material world. The dancing form of Ganesha is believed to be playful antics of the Lord to entertain his parents Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati.
Note: In all its detail this can be custom made i.e. hand crafted exclusively for you in a size of your choice to suit your needs.
Carved out of sand stone with all its fine details, this 24’’ tall sclupture is testimony to a rare artisanship of the distant past that has been kept alive by a group of extremley skilled artisans.Ganesha or the elephant god is worshiped world over as the destroyer of evil and bestower of prosperity.
This sculpture in its grandeur depicts the lord with his trunk turning to the left. The trunk turning left symbolizes moon and the cool power of ida nadi in our psychic body.This also signifies that the lord blesses the devotees with the access to the fruit of their work in the material world.
Suggested Placement: This sculpture in all its glory can be entrenched at the main entrance or the corner of your living room or in your courtyard.
Note: In respect to size, all statues can be custom made i.e. hand sculpted over a specific time frame.
Lord Ganesha is said to have a very affectionate bonding with his mother Devi Parvati. It is she who brought him to life and the instance is when she went bathing and wanted an attendant to guard the doors. She thus made a little boy out of some turmeric paste and brought it to life. When Lord Shiva, angered by the little boy stopping him from entering, cut off his head; it is maa Parvati who insisted on bringing him back to life. These are just a couple of anecdotes that tell the tale of a mother-son bond. Lord Ganesha, depicted in this Sandstone sculpture is hence also know as Gauri Nandana.
Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e., hand crafted exclusively for you in a size of your choice to suit your needs.
Dimensions: 12"x6"x4".
Culture: India.
Medium: Sandstone.
Suggested Placement: In your garden or front room.
Weight: 6kgs.
Product Code: acsssslgtr-32.
In the Hindu pantheon, the Elephant god or Lord Ganesha is one of the most revered and renowned. Through centuries, he has been carved in varied forms, each one depicting stories of his valor, composure and stature. This particular sculpture eulogizes the god in sandstone and portrays lord Ganesha’s state of equilibrium, while silently emphasizing on his inner personality -- as the destroyer of evil (papa in Sanskrit) and bestower of prosperity (Samriddhi in Sanskrit). A testimony of rare creativity, the skilled artistry is evident in the fine alignment of all elements on his body, while ensuring that the aura of his pre-eminence is retained intact.
Suggested Placement: The main entrance or the corner of your living room or in your courtyard.
Note: With respect to size, the statue can be custom made -- hand sculpted over a specific time frame.
Artist : Rabi Sahoo
One day, Lord Shiva and Mata Parvati decided to test their sons Lord Ganesha and Lord Kartekeya to find an eligible one to give the special fruit of knowledge to. They asked both of them to complete three rounds of the world and take dips in sacred waters around the universe. Lord Kartekeya immediately flew off on his peacock while Lord Ganesh, ever so obidient, circled his parents thrice saying he found the world at their feet. Such was Ganesha's reverence and respect for his parents. This Brass sculpture of the lord depicts him decked in rich jewellery, eating his favourite laddoo.
Different idols of Lord Ganesha hold different significance. Read more about it here.
Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e., hand crafted exclusively for you in a size of your choice to suit your needs.
Dimensions: 36"(height).
Culture: India.
Medium: Brass.
Suggested Placement: In your pooja room or meditation hall.
Weight: 65kgs.
Product Code: acsnbwlghl-04.
Of many stories that tell the tale of the life of Lord Ganesha, those of his respect and dedication towards his parents take a front seat. Legend has it that one day all the gods, sages and other celestial beings approached Lord Shiva and requested him to appoint a head to the Vighnas. Lord Ganesha and his elder brother, Lord Kartikeya, both found themselves suitable for the post. As a test, Lord Shiva asked them to circle the world thrice, take a bath in holy rivers and return. He said that whoever returns first, i.e., wins the race will be appointed as the head. Upon hearing this, Lord Kartikeya immediately flew away on his peacock. Lord Ganesha however recited the Narayana Mantra and circled his parents thrice saying that his world lies at the feet of his parents. Impressed with his act, Lord Shiva appointed Lord Ganesha as the head of Vighnas and that is how he came to called Vighneshwara.
Note: In all its grandeur this can be custom made i.e., hand crafted exclusively for you in a size of your choice to suit your needs.
Dimension: 12"x08".
Culture: India.
Medium: Arecanut Leaf.
Suggested Placement: In your living room or meditation hall.
Weight: 400gms.
Product Code: acapallglt-80.
Ganesha is a much-loved God in Hindu mythology. The elephant-headed son of Shiva, Ganesha is known for his wit, his compassion and his intellect. The remover of obstacles, Ganesha has been immortalized in various forms of art by skilled craftsmen over the years.
This adroitly crafted sandstone sculpture pays tribute to Ganesha, the patron saint of the arts. The skillful craftsmanship highlights Ganesha’s love for sweets, his benevolent nature and also includes his trusted mount, his pet rat. In all its grandeur, this beautiful sandstone sculpture can be custom made as per your individual requirements. The sculpture is durable and makes a perfect addition to your courtyard or your living room
Is it any surprise that everyone's favourite God is also one that is depicted in various paintings, sculptures and art forms? Lord Ganesha, the commander in chief of the divine army, is the protector of all the worlds. Even today, it's a common practice in many households to place a motif of Ganesha at the entrance to a house as a way to ward off evil and welcome only positive thoughts. As the Lord of all abodes, he rests here in this painting on a lotus, a gentle smile on his face as he blesses all those who cross his path. Bring home Lord Ganesh and his pleasant demeanour. Placing this painting in an entryway or foyer can bring peace into the hearts of all those who stand on your threshold.
Ganesha, is one of the most revered deities in sanatana dharma.As Vigneswara, he is the ruler and the remover of all obstacles. Hence Lord Ganesha is prayed before starting any new journey in life. This green stone sculpture in its grandeur depicts the lord in a sitting position with his trunk turned towards left. The trunk turning left symbolizes moon and the cool power of ida nadi in our psychic body. This also signifies that lord blesses the devotees with the access to the fruit of their work in the material world. The laddu (sweet ball) indicates all material comfort.
Suggested Placement: This sculpture in all its glory can be entrenched in the puja room or the living room.
Note: This also can be custom made i.e. hand sculpted over a specific time frame.
Artist : Rabi Sahoo